Bowen Gets Mail


Bowen got his first piece of mail this week – a Halloween card from Nana and Papaw.

He LOVED it.


He got it on Tuesday, and he’s still playing with it on Saturday.


I may just start giving him sealed envelopes to see this kind of excitement from him everyday!

Pumpkin Patch








We took our first family trip to the pumpkin patch today. We went to Jackson’s Orchard in Bowling Green.

Bowen enjoyed watching all of the kids play around him, and tapping on each pumpkin we came close to.


We picked one large pumpkin to bring home to carve, and 3 smaller pumpkins we’re going to paint.


This was Bowen’s first up close and personal encounter with a pumpkin. I think he enjoyed it!


There were slides and swings, and lots of things for bigger kids to play and do.


We had a wonderful time! I’m sure this will become part of our fall traditions.




I never understood the term Mommy Guilt until recently.

The guilt from working.

The guilt from having a premature baby, and not being able to carry him to term.

The guilt from taking classes, instead of spending that time with Bowen.

Now that Bowen begins to cry when I leave him at the sitter’s each morning, my guilt has increased tremendously.

Does the guilt ever go away?


p.s. all of the pictures are recent – within the last month or two. He’s such a big boy!

11 months old




He is starting to become such a sweet little boy, instead of that sweet baby boy. He currently has 7 teeth, which makes his sweet smile even cuter.

Weight: around 20 pounds, although we haven’t weighed him in over a month

Clothing Size: 9-12 month outfits and onesies, 6-9 month pants in most brands, 6-12 month outfits and onesies

Likes: pulling up on everything, standing holding on to drawers and cabinets, chasing the dogs, his Papaw, being read to, talking (his favorite words are mom and dada), bathtime

Dislikes: being alone, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, having his diaper changed, drinking out of a sippy cup or bottle





He’s really started growing some hair over the last month –


I’m hoping this last month goes by very slowly. My tears are starting up just thinking about him turning 1.


WKU vs. UK





We took Bowen to his first college football game – UK vs. WKU in Lexington.

He seemed to have a blast and it was a great opportunity to catch up with family and friends.


It was such an exciting game to watch. It was a chilly and late night, but Bowen made it through the whole game, even when it went into overtime.

Daddy really enjoyed watching the game with his little buddy. I’m sure there will be many more college football games in our future.