Greta – Five Months Old

Our Greta Gray is 5 months old. 

She’s had a month of growing and learning. She’s learned to roll and attempts to army crawl. She wants to be in the action all the time. She loves to “talk” to all of us and screams like a little pterodactyl.

weight: 13 lbs 2 oz – size 1 diapers and 3-6 month clothes with a few 0-3 mixed in

height: 25 inches

eats: all the time – she’s still nursing on demand and we’re waiting to start solid food until 6 months

likes: mommy, her playmat, Bowen and Nellie Lou, the sound machine

dislikes: carseat, car trips, strangers, loud people and noises

sleep: she’s not a fan of it. She wakes up two or three times each night. I’m tired.

A comparison from 4 months to 5 months –

And here is Bowen, Nellie Lou, and Greta at 5 months.










On to the next month.



Bowen is 5!

I’m in total disbelief that this sweet boy is FIVE!

We had another great birthday party at the farm over the weekend. I can’t thank my father-in-law enough. He puts on the whole thing from the hay maze to the wienie roast. He even spent a month building railings for the hay ride. 

Legos were his favorite gift and we have been building nonstop since Saturday. He can do most of the work on his own, which I can’t believe. He’s growing up on me. 

We were so glad that our family from NKY could come to celebrate with us. 

A little about my five year old –

Weight – 43 lbs
Height – 3 ft 8 in

Likes – legos, playmobile, puzzles, playing outside, spaghetti, donuts, salad with French dressing 

Dislikes – bedtime, time out, mascots (a very intense fear)

He’s a sweet boy and loves to help with his sisters. I can count on him to help me change diapers and entertain the baby. 

He’s doing well in school and loves to practice writing letters and numbers. 

He’s snuggly and loving. He gives me hugs and kisses constantly. He’s so excited to be 5.

Halloween 2016

We started our Halloween festivities a little early with a trip to the pumpkin patch with Bowen’s preschool class. We fed cows and goats, went in a hay ride, and went through a corn maze. 

We went up to NKY to spend some time with Nana on her birthday. She took us all to HallZOOween. 

All 5 kiddos has a blast. We spent the rest of the weekend celebrating Nana and hanging out with family. 

Bowen had his school Halloween party. I helped with food and games, which kept me busy Sunday night. 

Unfortunately, we came home with a sick baby. Greta and I spent most of Halloween at the doctor’s office. She seems to be on the mend, but we’re still trying to figure out exactly what is going on with her. Her poor immune system is having a rough time!

Bowen and Nellie went trick or treating with Daddy in our neighborhood. Greta and I stayed back to hand out candy. We have a long driveway, so we only had a few kiddos stop by. My football player, cheerleader, and football had a great Halloween. I’m already thinking about next years costumes!