Harper’s First Birthday

It’s been about a month, but we spent some time in NKY to celebrate Harper’s birthday.


Harper was a beautiful birthday girl.


She didn’t go crazy over the cake, but I think she enjoyed a few bites.



Bowen had fun playing with Kellan and Khloe. They loved running up and down the little hill in Shea and Jenn’s backyard.


Yes, he’s playing with beer bottle caps. He loved them for some reason.






Nana and Papaw enjoyed having both of their grandbabies to love on.


Can you tell Bowen was jealous of Harper here?


It was a wonderful party and a great occasion to spend some much needed quality time with family.


Our Backyard

We are currently living in Baker’s parent’s basement as we build our new home. Bowen came home from our long vacation to a swing set in Mimi & Gramp’s backyard.


He is beyond excited!



And we are beyond thankful for a wonderful Gramps who put in many hours building the play set for his grandson.


If you’re looking for us, we’ll be swinging!

I Want to Be Like Papaw

Bowen and I spent the past three weeks with my Mom and Dad. It was nice to get away from reality and have a little extended vacation.


Our long stay really made Bowen attached to his Papaw. He would scream for Papaw and beg him not to go to work. It was pretty cute.


Papaw wears a suit everyday to work. One morning Bowen decided he wanted to dress up for the day too.


So now he has his own tie.





20 Months Old

Bowen is now 20 months old. I can’t believe how fast this second year is going.


Height: He is seriously growing, which is beyond exciting for all of us. Of course, just when I start to worry, he takes off! Probably around 31.25 inches.


Weight: Around 23 lbs.


Sleep: We can’t seem to drop down to just one nap. He loves two naps, and he NEEDS two naps. Maybe I’ll just let the babysitter try to do that for me. He is sleeping better at night. We let him fall asleep on his own terms, so usually he goes to bed around 9:15 – 9:30. I know that sounds late, but he’s still taking two naps a day. I’m sure if I could keep him up during the day, he would go to bed earlier, but since I’m off during the summer we haven’t pushed it too hard. He wakes up in the morning around 7:30.


Eat: He’ll eat anything. During our vacation he tried lots of new things, including octopus, and not of the deep fried variety. His favorite foods of the moment are cherries, peanuts, raisins, craisins, goat cheese, blueberries, peanut butter, hummus, and string cheese. He loves Clif bars, and probably eats half of one everyday. He’s not the biggest fan of milk, but he’ll drink almost a whole sippy cup of it each day. If he sees you eat something, he wants it, which we use to our advantage.


Talk: Bowen’s adjusted age is 18 months, which is when many kids have a language explosion, and I think we’re in the midst of that. He has started to really talk about everything. He talks constantly. He knows everyone’s name and LOVES to talk about the dogs. He’ll repeat a lot of what you say if you ask him to. At this moment I know he can say dog, puppy, Milo, Coco, Bronky, Nana, Papaw, Mimi, Gramps, Daddy, Cassie, Baker, Roro (Robin), Shea, Jenn, KK (Kaitlin), belly, balloon, pee pee, no, don’t, yes, go, up, down, wawa (water), mik (milk), cow, moo, gator, baby, boo berry (blueberry), Bobo (what he refers to himself as). He jabbers and says things that I don’t understand, which can be frustrating. Currently, he refuses to call me Mom, instead he calls me Cassie. We’re not sure what that’s about, but it’s embarrassing and he’s thinks he’s hilarious.


          His receptive language skills continue to amaze us. Just the other day, I asked him to throw some trash away, not thinking he could do it. He took it into the kitchen opened up the right cabinet and put it in the can. On his way back he remembered he didn’t close the cabinet, and went back into the kitchen to close it. It seems so simple, but it was AWESOME!


Sizes: He still wears mostly 12-18 month clothes. His shorts are all 12 months, and we still have issues with them falling down or being too long. I did buy a few 24 month shirts recently, but they’re in a brand that runs a little small. He’s still wearing a size 4 diaper. He has moved up to a size 6 shoe, although he has a few 5s that still fit.


Likes: being naked, outside, water, family, sleeping in his carseat, snuggling, music, dancing, dogs, balloons, making the Buckwheat face


Dislikes: sand, being in the car for too long, sleeping in his crib, being held when he wants to walk, sitting in the stroller

On to the next month.


Traverse City Vacation 2013

We just got back from a wonderful family vacation to Traverse City, Michigan. It was quite the drive for us, but well worth the 10+ hours in the car with a 19 month old.


It was our second trip to TC. Our first didn’t include any babies, so this trip was a little more low key. We hung around the house a little more and didn’t stay out too late each night.

My Mom and Dad generously treated us to the vacation. We stayed on Silver Lake, which is pretty close to the city.



We visited during the Cherry Festival. It’s a busy time of year, which made for lots of extra events for us to attend. It reminded me of our county fair, but better. There were pretty impressive concerts at night. Bands like Foreigner and Montgomery Gentry performed. We were able to visit the festivities downtown one evening and listened to some great country music.




We at plenty of cherries and strawberries. I think everyone’s pants were a little tight after this trip.


We rode around on jet skis, went tubing, did some swimming, sat by the fire at night, shopped, played in the sand (which Bowen didn’t enjoy at first), went for a ride on Lake Michigan on a chartered boat from Third Coast Yacht Charters with Captain Ryan, and ate some wonderful local cuisine.  Some of our favorites were Trattoria Stella, North Peak Brewing Company, The Boathouse on Bowers Harbor, Moomers, and Full Moon Pizza Company.


















It was relaxing and family-filled. Just what we needed.
