Nellie Lou – Six Months Old

I don’t know how it’s possible, but Nellie Lou has been alive for half a year.

IMG_1041 weight: around 15 lbs

height: around 25.5 inches


size: I put all of her 3-6 month clothes away during my latest snow days. 6-9 is still big, but she wasn’t able to stretch out in the 3-6 month sleepers. Size 3 diapers.
sleep: We are in a major sleep regression. I’m the only person that can soothe her when she wakes up every few hours, and it has made me one exhausted mom. She’s still napping well, usually taking 3 naps a day.

eat: She’s still breastfeeding on demand, which was constantly during the week of snow days we just had. She just started showing some interest in real food. We’ve made some peas and sweet potatoes for the babysitter’s house, but while we’re home we just give her whatever fruits/veggies we are eating cut into pieces she won’t choke on. She loved cooked carrots and roasted sweet potato rounds. We’ve given her a few raw veggies to chew on with her new teeth coming in.

teeth: She’s got two bottom teeth now. They just popped through on Monday and Thursday. They took forever to come in, and she’s been drooling for months.

moving: I’m sure you can tell from the pictures, she is moving everywhere. She loves to roll around to get where she wants to be. She does the backward crawl. I’ve never seen anything like it – she arches her back and then moves her head forward it’s crazy. She is sitting pretty much on her own. She’ll topple over every once in a while, but she’s a strong little booger.

Here’s a five and six month comparison –


Bowen at six months and Nellie Lou at six months –

DSC01022 IMG_1012

On to the next month.

Life Lately

Life’s been busy lately. We’re working on selling our home and moving for Baker’s new career, which is overwhelming to say the least. Baker has been busily preparing to open his office and the kiddos have been battling colds. We’ve enjoyed our last few weekends at home. It was much needed time with one another.

IMG_0783My babies love to cuddle with one another.

IMG_0802Our Nellie Lou is growing up. She’s loving her door frame jumper, and cuddles from Bowen.

IMG_0847 My boys eat popcorn almost every night together. It may be the sweetest thing ever.

IMG_0851Ruffle butt – too cute!

IMG_0856We had visitors last weekend – a visit from Robin, Nana, and Papaw.


IMG_0858Everyone enjoying the UK game. I love having my family down to visit.

IMG_0903My whole heart in one picture!