Nellie Lou – 10 Months Old

Ten months. I hate how fast this year is going.
weight: around 17 lbs

height: around 27 inches

size: Still 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. We’ve pulled out some 9-12 month clothing, and it’s pretty big on her still.


sleep: She’s still in her crib – thank goodness! She gets up around 2:00 every few days, and usually ends up in bed with us when that happens. She takes two naps a day, usually around an hour long.

eat: She’s still breastfeeding on demand, and since it’s summer and I’m home, she’s eating at least 5 times a day. She still eats whatever we are eating. Her favorites lately are cheese, goldfish crackers, bananas, blueberries, and apples. She’s starting turning away purees and yogurt. I think she really enjoys feeding herself and doesn’t want to be fed with a spoon.


teeth: She’s got two on bottom and two on top that are all the way through. There are two more on top that are almost through. She’s been a little drooly, but not horrible.


moving: I’d put money on her in any baby crawling race. She’s so fast! She pulls up on everything and she’s standing on her own. She took three steps over the weekend to get to her Papaw. I think walking is in her near future.


Talking: She’s a talker. She mimics a lot of what we say. She uses “Dada,” “Bo Bo,” “hi,” “bye” pretty regularly.

Likes: Bowen, swimming, eating

Dislikes: being left alone, sitting in the carseat

Here’s a nine and ten month comparison –IMG_1849


Here’s a comparison of Bowen and Nellie at 10 months –



On to the next month.

Father’s Day 2015

Happy Father’s Day to our amazing fathers. We couldn’t ask for better.



Happy Father’s Day to Nellie Lou and Bowen’s amazing Daddy. Changing diapers, giving baths, rocking the baby to sleep, wrestling on the living room floor – he helps with and enjoys it all, and I’m so thankful!


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A Few Lasts and Firsts

Our last pictures on the front porch of the home we built in Greenville.IMG_1900 IMG_1903 IMG_1905_2 IMG_1906_2

Our last chilly June day, digging in Mommy’s flowerpots.IMG_1910_2 IMG_1912

Bowen’s first year of T-Ball has come to an end. We received his pictures and they are too cute! IMG_1915Our first experience with a moving company. We couldn’t get over the size of the semi that was holding our belongings. That’s a lot of stuff!

IMG_1934_2Our last night in our home in Greenville. It still makes me sad!

IMG_1935Bowen’s last t-ball game of the season. He ended with an awesome hit from a pitch, rather than using the tee.

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Bowen’s first trophy! IMG_1954Bowen looks so tiny – he’s the one on the far left.

IMG_1958_2Bowen’s last huddle with his team.

IMG_1966 I recorded it, and we’ve listened to it at least a dozen times. Go A’s!

Life Lately

Our life has been a little busy lately.


We attended Robin’s graduation from law school at Indiana University.

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Bowen enjoyed staying in the hotel. It had been quite a while since we had stayed anywhere other than our house or Nana’s.


We’ve had tons of T-ball games. Our last one is tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s over already. We’ve loved every minute of it!


We enjoyed one last fire at our house in Greenville.


Nellie Lou has become quite the funny little lady. She has to have her feet up all the time.


Bowen enjoyed going through Aunt RoRo’s things after she moved to Denver.


Nana was happy to have our help going through the many boxes.


We enjoyed our Memorial Day weekend with a trip to Nana and Papaw’s pool, even if it was freezing.IMG_1877

Nellie enjoyed her visit to Nana and Papaw’s too.


We took Bowen to see his first movie in the theater. He was wonderful, and seemed to really enjoy it. He’s already asked when we’re going back to see another.IMG_1881

We’re currently in the middle of moving to Morgantown. Our house is packed up and we’re all feeling a little sad and nervous. Hopefully it’ll be a smooth transition for us.