20 Months Old

Bowen is now 20 months old. I can’t believe how fast this second year is going.


Height: He is seriously growing, which is beyond exciting for all of us. Of course, just when I start to worry, he takes off! Probably around 31.25 inches.


Weight: Around 23 lbs.


Sleep: We can’t seem to drop down to just one nap. He loves two naps, and he NEEDS two naps. Maybe I’ll just let the babysitter try to do that for me. He is sleeping better at night. We let him fall asleep on his own terms, so usually he goes to bed around 9:15 – 9:30. I know that sounds late, but he’s still taking two naps a day. I’m sure if I could keep him up during the day, he would go to bed earlier, but since I’m off during the summer we haven’t pushed it too hard. He wakes up in the morning around 7:30.


Eat: He’ll eat anything. During our vacation he tried lots of new things, including octopus, and not of the deep fried variety. His favorite foods of the moment are cherries, peanuts, raisins, craisins, goat cheese, blueberries, peanut butter, hummus, and string cheese. He loves Clif bars, and probably eats half of one everyday. He’s not the biggest fan of milk, but he’ll drink almost a whole sippy cup of it each day. If he sees you eat something, he wants it, which we use to our advantage.


Talk: Bowen’s adjusted age is 18 months, which is when many kids have a language explosion, and I think we’re in the midst of that. He has started to really talk about everything. He talks constantly. He knows everyone’s name and LOVES to talk about the dogs. He’ll repeat a lot of what you say if you ask him to. At this moment I know he can say dog, puppy, Milo, Coco, Bronky, Nana, Papaw, Mimi, Gramps, Daddy, Cassie, Baker, Roro (Robin), Shea, Jenn, KK (Kaitlin), belly, balloon, pee pee, no, don’t, yes, go, up, down, wawa (water), mik (milk), cow, moo, gator, baby, boo berry (blueberry), Bobo (what he refers to himself as). He jabbers and says things that I don’t understand, which can be frustrating. Currently, he refuses to call me Mom, instead he calls me Cassie. We’re not sure what that’s about, but it’s embarrassing and he’s thinks he’s hilarious.


          His receptive language skills continue to amaze us. Just the other day, I asked him to throw some trash away, not thinking he could do it. He took it into the kitchen opened up the right cabinet and put it in the can. On his way back he remembered he didn’t close the cabinet, and went back into the kitchen to close it. It seems so simple, but it was AWESOME!


Sizes: He still wears mostly 12-18 month clothes. His shorts are all 12 months, and we still have issues with them falling down or being too long. I did buy a few 24 month shirts recently, but they’re in a brand that runs a little small. He’s still wearing a size 4 diaper. He has moved up to a size 6 shoe, although he has a few 5s that still fit.


Likes: being naked, outside, water, family, sleeping in his carseat, snuggling, music, dancing, dogs, balloons, making the Buckwheat face


Dislikes: sand, being in the car for too long, sleeping in his crib, being held when he wants to walk, sitting in the stroller

On to the next month.
