8 Months Old

I’m starting to wish time would slow down a little bit. I feel like I blinked and Bowen’s now 8 months old. I can’t believe it.

Likes: smiling for the camera, bothering Coco, attempting to crawl, being around lots of people, parties, being out and about, swimming, walking holding someone’s hands, sour foods

Dislikes: bottles, pacifiers, taking naps, staying home all day, the carseat, foods that are too sweet

Bowen’s personality is starting to shine through. We think he’s a lot like his Daddy – a social butterfly. He’s attempting to crawl, but is easily frustrated when he can’t get where he wants to be fast enough. He’s still nursing at least 5 times a day. He eats a breakfast of yogurt and a fruit each day and a dinner of whatever we are eating. We do a combination of BLW and purees, which he seems to enjoy.

His prematureness isn’t apparent to most people and he’s being hitting most developmental milestones on time for his actual age. We still can’t help but compare him to babies his actual age, and generally he’s just a tad bit smaller but doing most of the same things.

When we see babies that are his adjusted age, Bowen usually is developmentally ahead by leaps and bounds. I’m sure this could change, but we work hard to keep him on track and he’s doing new things almost daily. We’re sp proud and surprised with all he is doing.


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