Nellie Lou – Three Months Old

Nellie Lou is growing up so quickly. She’s become quite a happy baby over the last month. She smiles constantly and loves to coo and goo. She wants to be talked to and loves to lay on my chest when she’s sleepy.


She’s a very active baby. She wants to stand up all the time, and she loves to kick her arms and legs. She’s even rolling over from her belly to her back. She uses her sweet little feet to move around on her playmate. I’m amazed at how mobile she is as a three month old.

She’s Bowen’s biggest fan. She could stare at him all day long, and loves to watch him race around the house.


weight: Around 13 lbs

height: Around 23 inches

size: 0-3 month clothes, size 1 diapers – those are both getting snug though

sleep: She’s the best sleeper ever. She naps at least 4 times throughout the day, usually with one really long one. She goes to bed at night around 9:30 and sleeps until 4:00 or 5:00. It’s amazing!

eat: She’s still breastfeeding on demand, which is generally every four hours or so. At the sitter’s she’ll eat about 8 or 9 ounces while I’m at work.

Here’s a photo comparison of two months to three months –


Here’s a comparison of Bowen and Nellie, each at three months old.


On to the next month.

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