Nellie Lou – Seven Months Old

Another month has passed us by, and our sweet Nellie Lou is seven months old. She is truly a sweet baby. She is mellow and happy, and not much makes her upset.

IMG_1323weight: around 16 lbs

height: around 26 inches


size: 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

sleep: She’s sleeping again, thank goodness! She’s sleeping in her crib from 8-8 or 7-7, depending on when we lay her down. She likes to get 12 hours at night, but she’ll occasionally wake up once to eat around 1:00.

 eat: She’s still breastfeeding on demand, which is around 4 or 5 times each day. She takes two bottles at the sitter’s during the day. She also eats baby food or small pieces of food regularly now. She loves sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples.


teeth: Just two bottom teeth, but lots of drool.

moving: She’s sitting on her own, and almost crawling. She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth, but then plops down and army crawls. She’ll also roll to whatever she wants.

Talking: She loves to babble constantly. She says Dada and Hi pretty regularly. She loves to hear herself, I think we may have an early talker on our hands, at least compared to when Bowen started talking.

Likes: watching Bowen, being held, baths, toys, talking

Dislikes: her carseat, being hungry or overly tired

Here’s a six and seven month comparison – IMG_1044IMG_1327

Here’s a comparison of Bowen and Nellie at 7 months –



On to the next month.

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