Nellie Lou – One Month Old

I guess I can’t keep using the “I just had a baby” excuse because my sweet baby is a whole month old today.

I know a baby that sleeps most of the time doesn’t have much of a personality yet, but I can tell she’s not exactly like her brother. She seems pretty laid back so far. I’m just waiting for the nonstop crying to start. Bowen had a pretty bad case of colic, and was an overall unhappy and high needs baby for about three or four months (though you can’t tell it now), maybe we’ll be blessed with a happier baby this time around.

She loves to cuddle and be held, but she’s content to sit in her bouncy seat or on her playmate too. She likes her pacifier, which I’m loving. Bowen was not a fan of the paci.

weight: around 8 lbs

height: around 21 inches

size: newborn clothes and newborn diapers


sleep: three or four hours at night, usually only awake during the day when she’s hungry and maybe an hour of tummy time/interaction – I can tell she’s starting to get away from the sleepy newborn stage because this time is increasing


eat: she’s breastfeeding on demand and it’s every three or four hours around the clock – the double chin and chubby cheeks prove it


just bornIMG_2185one month

And because I can’t stop comparing, Bowen and Nellie at one month –



On to the next month.