Nellie Lou – Two Months Old

We’ve been blessed with one sweet baby girl. Nellie Lou is the total opposite of her brother, she’s calm and mostly content. She loves to be held, but will lay on her play mat or the bed while I get things accomplished around the house. I’m loving every minute of this phase of her life.

She’s not too fond of her bath, but loves having her hair washed like she’s at the salon. I tilt her little head back into the water, and she’s happy. She’s already a little wary of strangers or people she doesn’t see everyday. She’s also not into rocking or bouncing, she’d rather you be very still when you hold her. If she gets too fussy or worked up, putting her underneath a ceiling fan seems to do the trick. She could stare at a ceiling fan for hours.

She’s started smiling, but she’s pretty stingy with them. I can usually get a few a day, but Bowen seems to get the most. When she sees Bowen her arms start to flail and she can’t take her eyes off of him.


weight: I’m not sure but I’m guessing around 11 lbs. She feels pretty solid.


height: I have no idea, but she’s quickly growing too long for some of her three month outfits. Maybe around 22.5 inches.


size: 0-3 month clothes, size 1 diapers

sleep: She’s a wonderful nighttime sleeper. She’s going to bed around 8 or 9 and has been waking up between 2 and 4 am, and then she’s back to sleep for a few more hours. She’s had a few nights when she hasn’t wanted to go back to sleep, but I’m not complaining. She’s also taking at least three naps a day.


eat: She’s still breastfeeding on demand, which is generally every four hours or so. Look at that belly!     IMG_2307Here’s a comparison of Bowen and Nellie, each at two months old.

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On to the next month.