17 Months Old

This is a few days late, I’ve been so busy with packing up our house, school, and master’s classes. I am ready for Summer!


Bowen is beginning to show lots of personality. He is on the go constantly, and loves to make a mess. He completely destroys each room he enters. My kitchen is covered in baking pans and spatulas, my living room has magazines and toys all over the floor, and the bathroom has hair products in the bathtub. When does this stage end?


He is still of a bit of a needy baby, in that he loves to be held constantly and doesn’t sleep well at night. He wakes up usually around midnight, and then sleeps with us for the rest of the night. It’s not the ideal situation, but at least we’re all getting some sleep.


This month has turned into a trying month for Mom and Dad. Bowen has grown quite the temper. He wants what he wants when he wants it. He’s started hitting when he doesn’t get his way. I have to say, it is mortifying that my child behaves like this.

We tried a few different things before we found something that works for us. When he hits we put his hand down, say “no, we don’t hit,” distract him by taking him to a toy or something he likes, and walk away. Usually it ends with Bowen having a major meltdown on the floor, but we think he gets the point. We tried timeout, but he’s just not old enough to understand it yet.

He’s also learned to climb out of his high chair, which is terribly scary. He loves to stand up and sit down over and over again. I think I may need to find a booster seat for the table.

He’s turned into a climber of anything and everything. If it’s low enough to the ground, Bowen will climb on top. This has caused a few accidents. Just the other day he fell off the ottoman. I keep telling Baker, we will have a broken bone before his second birthday. The kid has no fear.


Height: still a peanut and he won’t stand still long enough to measure him, my guess is 31 inches

Weight: around 24 pounds – using our bathroom scale, so I’m not sure how accurate it is

Clothes Size: mostly 12 months, some 9-12 pants, occasionally he can wear an 18 month outfit, I even pulled out some Summer shorts from last year that fit pretty well

Likes: jumping on the bed & couch, snuggling, riding in his Cozy Truck, the GiggleBellies, climbing stairs, playing outside, Cherrios, animals

Dislikes: being left in the gym nursery, sleeping alone, being told “No,” riding in the car for too long, having his nose wiped


On to then next month.

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