What is He Eating?

Bowen, what is in that bowl?

IMG_0257My sweet boy carried a tupperware dish full of black beans around the house this evening. He probably ate half of a can.

IMG_0261 IMG_0259He is a pretty healthy eater. Baker and I eat well, and monkey see monkey do.

He loves asparagus, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, pistachios, apples, bananas, yogurt, grapes, peas, bell peppers, zucchini, and so many more veggies and fruits. We try not to keep junk in the house, but he eats Cheerios, Goldfish, pretzels, and tortilla chips regularly too.

In other news, I went to put my gym clothes on the other day and left him alone in the kitchen. I heard the pantry cabinet door open, and came into the kitchen to find this.



He used a spoon on his own for the first time the other day. I probably should have let him do it sooner, but it is sooooooo messy.





This required a bath when he was finished. 🙂

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